Kings Theatre Announces title of Regeneration Project at Open Day

“The Kings Theatre Open Day 2024 was been an incredible success. We want to thank the local community that came along to see behind the scenes and take a closer look at this incredible building and how it all works!

It was also the perfect time to share our plans for the Kings Theatre moving forward. Launching ‘1907 Elevation’ – our regeneration project, was an essential part of the Open Day, and an ideal opportunity for the community to ask questions and  have their say.

We will continue to offer opportunities for people to see the models and plans, and all information moving forward will be on our website and social media.

The team at The Kings Theatre worked incredibly hard to make sure the Open Day was up to our usual high standards. There was so much to see and do for those who came and of course we decided a trip to theatre was not complete without some top-notch onstage entertainment. It was a chance to show case the amazing talent we have here in the region. Celebrating local talent is something we believe very strongly in and the audiences seemed to thoroughly enjoy the entertainment on offer.

Thank you to all the team at the Kings Theatre, all our partners, volunteers and tour guides but most importantly to the wonderful people that came along to support us and enjoy the day.”

Richard Pearce – CEO, The Kings Theatre